a teen boy talks to a therapist at a drug and alcohol centre

Finding the Right Drug and Alcohol Centre for Your Teen

As a rule, teens have a tendency to experiment with drugs and alcohol. While some level of experimentation is normal, it’s easy for teens to develop drug and alcohol use disorders. For parents, substance abuse can be overwhelming. Finding the right drug and alcohol treatment centre can help you and your teen regain control of…


Side Effects of Vyvanse

If your child has been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), your family doctor may have prescribed an amphetamine medication such as Vyvanse. This stimulant drug is approved to treat children and teens with ADHD so they can remain calmer and more focused throughout the day. Although Vyvanse can support your child’s productivity, it can…

is weed addictive

Is Weed Addictive?

People have been using marijuana for centuries. Whether enjoying the drug’s euphoric or painkilling effects, people smoke or ingest weed medicinally and recreationally. For teens, marijuana is often the first drug they use when experimenting with altering substances. While there is great debate over marijuana, it can be addictive. Marijana abuse in teens can cause…