a father teaches his son the consequences of drinking and driving

How to Teach Your Teen the Consequences of Drinking and Driving

Talking to your teen about the importance of making responsible decisions while behind the wheel is crucial. Make sure that they understand and recognise the seriousness of drinking and driving, as well as other reckless behaviours like texting while driving or speeding. Let them know that there are always consequences for their actions and that…

a father explains the negative effects of teen drinking to his son

Negative Effects of Teenage Drinking on the Body

Getting help for teen alcohol abuse is important because it can have a serious and long-term negative impact on their physical and mental health, as well as their relationships. Alcohol abuse among adolescents can lead to problems such as depression, anxiety, aggression, academic difficulties, legal issues, impaired cognitive functioning, increased risk of addiction to other…

a teen starts to hang out with new friends who drink alcohol

5 Signs Your Teen Is Sneaking Alcohol Behind Your Back

Despite the risks, underage drinking is still a reality for many teens. Parents should make sure they are educating their children on the dangers of drinking underage and informing them of the consequences of doing so. With this knowledge, they can create a safe and healthy environment for their teens to make smart choices when…