
Side Effects of Vyvanse

If your child has been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), your family doctor may have prescribed an amphetamine medication such as Vyvanse. This stimulant drug is approved to treat children and teens with ADHD so they can remain calmer and more focused throughout the day. Although Vyvanse can support your child’s productivity, it can…

a teen struggles with video game addiction

Recognizing Signs of Video Game Addiction

No one knows precisely what addictive quality there is in gaming. However, some theories suggest that completing a game releases dopamine that improves mood and provides an energy rush. It is the same neurotransmitter that occurs in other addictive behaviours. If your teen has an obsessive preoccupation with gaming, you may have reason to be…

Father Encouraging Son To Seek Addiction Treatment

Helping to Engage a Resistant Teen in Addiction Treatment

Regardless of what your teen is struggling with, there are times when treatment might be essential to helping them recover. If they’re struggling with an addiction, they may not yet realize the impact they’re having on others or themselves. Whether your teen is addicted to gaming, drugs, alcohol, or other substances or actions, it’s essential…