man talking to son on park bench about Teen Inhalant Abuse

Education Key to Preventing Teen Inhalant Abuse

Parents vigilant about educating their child about drugs and alcohol could inadvertently be supplying “drugs” powerful enough to kill the first time they are used. Teen inhalant abuse is a frequent issue in many areas. Surveys conducted in the United States and Canada reveal that huffing (or inhalant use) is becoming one of the most…

a girl vaping displaying the dangers of vaping and toking

Dangers of Vaping and Toking

Dangers of Vaping and Toking In the past few years, vapes have become increasingly ubiquitous as a form of consuming nicotine. Although the practice began with complex rigs, the advent of Juul and similar devices have made vaping sleek and stealthy. With these advancements, however, the dangers of vaping and toking have increased. Whereas smoking…

a marijuana plant in front of the Canadian flag representing marijuana legalization in Canada

Marijuana Legalization in Canada

Marijuana Legalization in Canada On October 17th, 2018, Canada became the second country to legalize recreational marijuana use. The government is still working to measure the immediate impact of marijuana legalization in Canada on the populace. Every three months, the Canadian government tracks marijuana-related behaviours with the voluntary National Cannabis Survey (NCS). For parents of…