Synthetic Cannabinoids

Dangers of Synthetic Cannabinoids

Synthetic cannabinoids, sometimes called synthetic marijuana, K2, or spice is a man-made form of cannabis. Manufacturers worked to copy the chemical makeup of the natural substance to produce a similar chemical product. However, these are highly dangerous drugs with unknown ingredients and no regulatory oversight. This makes them highly dangerous in multiple ways. For those…

Teen Attending Addiction Recovery

Importance of Boundaries In Your Teen’s Addiction Recovery

Boundaries are essential to your teen’s recovery. Substance use disorders are challenging, especially when they hit at such a young age. Despite that, with the right boundaries and support, your teen can overcome their negative issues. As a parent, you are responsible for creating a space conducive to addiction recovery. Addiction recovery boundaries are essential…

Father Encouraging Son To Seek Addiction Treatment

Helping to Engage a Resistant Teen in Addiction Treatment

Regardless of what your teen is struggling with, there are times when treatment might be essential to helping them recover. If they’re struggling with an addiction, they may not yet realize the impact they’re having on others or themselves. Whether your teen is addicted to gaming, drugs, alcohol, or other substances or actions, it’s essential…

girl on couch in residential treatment

3 Signs Your Teen Needs Live-In Treatment

There can be many signs that alert you to your teen’s need for professional help. As a parent, it can be challenging to determine when to step in, especially if you’re considering live-in treatment. Many teens suffer from mental health problems or destructive behaviours, and either of these can be a good reason to seek…