teen alcohol abuse statistics

Teen Alcohol Abuse Statistics

Teens begin to drink for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they drink because they feel overburdened by copious amounts of stress, or they are caving to peer pressure. Teens can drink because they are attempting to set boundaries or establish their personhood, or they simply have not discovered strong coping mechanisms yet. Whatever the reason…

teen addiction treatment

Finding the Right Teen Addiction Treatment

If you are considering addiction treatment for your teen, you may have found that there are many different options for rehabilitation programs. Since each teen addiction treatment program offers a unique style of treating types of conditions, it is important to match your teen with the right substance abuse treatment program for their individualised needs.…

social media and self esteem

How Social Media Impacts Self-Esteem

Teens deal with many extreme pressures as they learn to navigate their social worlds, and this means that sometimes they test out personality traits that harm others. With the prevalence of social media, this means that the wrong image could follow a teen far beyond their teen years. A social media misstep that happens now…


What Marijuana Legalisation Means for Your Teen

The legalisation of marijuana changes many aspects of how marijuana is being used and viewed by the general public. However, it is still illegal for teens to use marijuana products. Teens begin using marijuana for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they use marijuana to deal with peer pressure or find that marijuana works to treat…