two teens are in an obviously toxic relationship as the boy screams at the girl who sits scared

8 Signs of a Toxic Teenage Relationship

Relationships between young people can be intense. The teenage years are a time when people practice skills and techniques that they will use as they grow into adults, and interpersonal relationships are part of that process. Teens are especially vulnerable to getting involved in toxic teenage relationships because they may not yet have the judgment…

a woman expressing signs of childhood trauma

Get Help for the Signs of Childhood Trauma

Studies show that childhood trauma can have lasting effects into adulthood. Unfortunately, trauma is often misunderstood and mismanaged. For many teens today, childhood trauma can manifest as drug and alcohol use. The best way to help teens struggling with drug and alcohol use or unresolved trauma is a trauma treatment program specifically for teens. If…

a teenager sitting on her bed suffering from anxiety in teen girls

Recognising Anxiety in Teen Girls

Anxiety affects people of all ages. Unfortunately, for teenage girls, anxiety can be debilitating. Social pressure from school, social media, home life, and friends can trigger anxiety. Often, anxiety can point to a deeper issue for teenage girls, such as unprocessed childhood trauma or an untreated mood disorder. Sadly, many teens and their families don’t…

trauma and addiction

How Trauma Impacts Addiction

One or more untreated emotional issues can play a role in developing addictive behaviour. Very often, the underlying issue involves a traumatic experience. While this trauma may have occurred recently, it usually stems from childhood wounds, in which the individual goes on to self-medicate with substances. If your teen needs treatment for trauma-based addiction issues,…

signs of emotional trauma

Common Signs of Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma happens when someone goes through something incredibly stressful. Often, a traumatic experience involves a threat to life or safety. However, any situation that causes someone to feel overwhelmed and isolated can cause trauma. Everyone is different, and we each process experiences differently. At Venture Academy, our team of professionals understands the causes of…