a girl vaping displaying the dangers of vaping and toking

Dangers of Vaping and Toking

Dangers of Vaping and Toking In the past few years, vapes have become increasingly ubiquitous as a form of consuming nicotine. Although the practice began with complex rigs, the advent of Juul and similar devices have made vaping sleek and stealthy. With these advancements, however, the dangers of vaping and toking have increased. Whereas smoking…

a marijuana plant in front of the Canadian flag representing marijuana legalization in Canada

Marijuana Legalization in Canada

Marijuana Legalization in Canada On October 17th, 2018, Canada became the second country to legalize recreational marijuana use. The government is still working to measure the immediate impact of marijuana legalization in Canada on the populace. Every three months, the Canadian government tracks marijuana-related behaviours with the voluntary National Cannabis Survey (NCS). For parents of…

can I continue education while in rehab teens raising hands in class say yes

Student Resources: Can I Continue Education While in Rehab?

Students often find themselves overwhelmed. Parents seeking treatment for troubled teens should consider rehab options that allow their children to continue going to school while getting the help they need. Students or parents wondering “Can I continue education while in rehab?” will find that there are many recovery options available. How Can I Continue Education…

mother and daughter arguing over setting rules for phone use

Setting Rules For Phone Use

Teens can become overly dependent on their phones, and many teens use phones to avoid real life. Setting rules for phone use is an important part of the parenting process. Sometimes, establishing phone limitations and following through with consequences can be incredibly overwhelming for parents. Fortunately, places like Venture Academy offer electronic addiction treatment programs…