trauma and addiction

How Trauma Impacts Addiction

One or more untreated emotional issues can play a role in developing addictive behaviour. Very often, the underlying issue involves a traumatic experience. While this trauma may have occurred recently, it usually stems from childhood wounds, in which the individual goes on to self-medicate with substances. If your teen needs treatment for trauma-based addiction issues,…

high-functioning depression

Getting Help for High-Functioning Depression

High-functioning depression (HFD) is not technically a clinical diagnosis, so there is no one standard of diagnostic criteria. This form of depression is a loose collection of persistent symptoms that doctors don’t believe are severe enough to fall under clinical depression. However, those with high functioning depression can struggle to get through their lives and…

psychological dependence

Understanding Psychological Dependence

Sometimes, people develop a set of conditioned responses due to using an illicit substance, drinking alcohol, or engaging in addictive or harmful behaviour. These conditioned responses can compel the individual to keep using a substance or pick up using it again despite its harmful effects. These conditioned responses are triggered by various factors, which are…

depression over the holidays

Addressing Depression Over the Holidays

For most people, the holidays are a joyful time of the year filled with social gatherings, events, and celebrations with friends and family. For others, it’s a time filled with loneliness, sadness, and anxiety. When a feeling like hopelessness is at its peak, it’s challenging to be around others, especially at festive parties. If you…

alcohol and mental health

Connection Between Alcohol and Mental Health

If your teen is struggling with alcohol addiction, you may have trouble helping them cease their addictive behaviours. However, this may be due to underlying relationships between their behaviours and their thoughts. Often, teens begin to use drugs to anesthetize certain symptoms of mental illness. The teen years are a time that is rife with…