a parent of a narcissistic teen attempts to discipline her child

How to Discipline a Narcissistic Teenager

Narcissism is a personality trait that is characterised by an excessive need for admiration, a lack of empathy toward others, and an inflated sense of self-importance. It can be seen in individuals of all ages, including teenagers. The teenage years are a time of significant changes—physically, mentally, and emotionally. With the rise of social media…

a teen therapy group meets for a session

3 Ideas for Teens in Group Therapy

Group therapy can be an incredibly effective way for teens to learn more about themselves and develop skills that they can use in their daily lives. By focusing on activities that allow teens to connect with each other, discover new perspectives, and explore creative outlets, young people can take full advantage of the benefits of…

a teen shows signs of struggling with depression

What Are the Common Signs of Depression in Your Teen?

Teens are facing more pressure than ever. Daily demands, stress, and losses can lead to depression in teens. Depression is different from short-term sadness. It lasts for prolonged periods of time. If you are seeing signs of depression in your teen, it’s essential to get immediate help—contact Venture Academy at 866.762.2211 or online to learn…

a teen noticeably struggles with anxiety in school

Teen Anxiety in School

School’s unique social and educational pressures are enough to give adults lifelong anxieties. This unfortunate fact is even more true for current students, who must balance social life, education, and responsibilities at home. Teen anxiety in school wracks the brains of millions of students worldwide, including in Canada. Fortunately, help is available for struggling teens.…

a troubled teen shows signs of poor mental health

What Are Some Mental Health Red Flags for Teens?

Mental health concerns are rising across Canada, particularly among our teens. Teenagers often send out mental health red flags when they are suffering, and parents should be fully aware of these symptoms. We all have an obligation to help our teens through these tough moments and make sure they know that they have help. Thankfully,…

a teen struggles with a panic attack in a busy and crowded school setting

Recovering from Teen Anxiety Attack Symptoms

About one in four teens suffer at least one anxiety attack. Some experience these crippling attacks on a more frequent basis, such as weekly or daily. These feelings and behaviours can cause problems in daily life and, left untreated, only worsen. Over time, teen anxiety affects school, work, earning ability, and even relationships. If anxiety…

a man makes the bad decision to mix alcohol and adderall

Adderall and Alcohol

Adderall can help your teen concentrate if they have ADHD, ADD, or even bipolar disorder. However, Adderall is also extremely addictive and comes with a variety of side effects. Therefore, if your child is taking Adderall, they need to refrain from drinking alcohol. Adderall and alcohol produce two different effects on the body and can…