Dyscalculia is the learning disability that you don’t hear much about. It hides behind bad grades in math. Some believe that their kids just don’t have a math talent. What would you say if a dyscalculia treatment program in Canada could turn things around for your teen?

Symptoms of DyscalculiaDyscalculia Treatment Program in BC

You teen’s always had a hard time with numbers. Ever since s/he learned to count, do basic math, or tell time, there’s been a problem. You’ve scolded, hired tutors, and took away privileges. Even so, the math problems persisted and eventually worsened.

Over time, your youngster became a teen whose academic struggles resulted in self-esteem problems. Frustration and anger led to bad habits and possible acting out in school. Maybe the teachers are threatening to remove the student from the classroom. At this point, a combination of academic and mental health treatment is the right option.

Like dyslexia treatment, Venture Academy’s dyscalculia treatment program in Canada seeks to address the issue first.

Participating in a Mental Health and Dyscalculia Treatment Program in Canada

Academic testing determines the breadth of the learning disability. Sometimes, it’s not the only one your teen struggles with. Therefore, specialists will assess for other learning difficulties, too. From there, it’s possible to devise an educational approach that meets the teen where s/he’s at.

Possible accommodations include the use of mnemonic devices that make sense of mathematical formulas and processes. Music is a powerful teaching tool for teens who need math assistance. Something as simple as color-coding math processes and using fingers could make significant differences. These interventions work together to provide the youngsters with workable solutions to a learning disability.

From there, instructors can assist with making up lost time to gain educational credits. If possible, your student continues with the schoolwork that the class is currently working on. When this isn’t feasible, provincially certified teachers start the teen on a new course. In this way, it’s possible to achieve academic success.

Next, therapists treat behavioural problems that are outcroppings of frustration, anger, and similar feelings. Possible therapies include:

  • Group therapy that encourages peer interactions for social skills modification
  • Recreational therapy as a way to engage with others for healthy interactions outside the classroom setting
  • One-on-one counseling that gives the youngster an opportunity for self-expression
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy, which emphasizes coping skills development to minimize aggression
  • Family counselling as a way to reestablish trust and help you communicate with your teen

Reaching out for Help

Right now, you’re probably wondering how to handle your teen’s academic problems as well as the negative acting out. Everything you’ve tried so far has failed. You probably spent a lot of time talking to the teacher to get help. Similarly, you’ve tried to reason with your teen to encourage better study habits.

However, consider that bad math grades might not be the youngster’s fault. They are just as frustrated as you are. Unlike you, however, they can’t express it in healthy ways. Therefore, they act out.

What if all that’s standing between your family and academic success is a dyscalculia treatment program in Canada? Wouldn’t it be worth the effort to find out? Learn more by connecting with the Venture Academy staff today. Call 866.762.2211 now.